Monday, July 18, 2011

Someone should put a plastic bag over my head...

....because I am absolutely no fun to be around these days.

My summer has had it's ups and down but it seems as if the last few weeks have been the most emotionally exhausting weeks I've had in years. I'm just at that stage where I have no energy to care anymore.

So with those feelings taken into consideration I've come to the conclusion that I should really not care about anything anymore except for me. Selfish, yes, this was screamed at me via text message, so let me make that even more true and with me saying it out loud and online, head's up- I AM SELFISH.

I have no idea who is reading this since the only two people I've given this new address to is my sister and friend Ep, but I'm usually pretty happy person and in general a non-selfish person. Really.
So let a girl have her bad days and room to dig herself out of this hole of misery she's currently wallowing in.....*huge winning smile!

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