Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Could've Done Without That, Thank You

Laying here in the couch with ze lover and I was telling him about this story I was reading a few days ago.

It was a disgusting story and one paragraph completely had me curling up my lip in disgust.

Anyway, he was convinced that the writer was joking but after reading him the preface (authors note?), we were side tracked by the word "scat".

"I dont know what 'scat' is"

"Get on your phone and google it right now"

Typing it in, I remarked how knowledgable he was and secretly thinking that was hot.

"When it comes to sexual stuff, I am"

So as I'm scrolling through the search results, thinking what a smart guy he is,  I see a link leading to Urban Dictionary with a definition of "scat".
I read it. My eyes widen in horror.
I quickly put my phone down and  bury my face in the covers, trying to dispel the images that are playing through my head right now.

end of blog.

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