Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hirah, Hirah, and Hello

With this New Year I'm positive! Optimistic!.... What are more words I can use?

2012 is going to be a year of....blah blah blah. We're not going to do that spiel. But I really do feel those two words above.
This year IS actually off to an interesting start, a mix of good and bad, so hopefully the good will override the bad.

GOOD: Getting an apartment!

BAAAAAAD:'s a long embarrassing story that we will skip.

Hence, I'm being optimistic and jovial about everything and going to try and not dwell on the negative.

I've turned into a little fat ass over the past few years and have started to be conscious of my eating and maybe try that exercise thing. I look horrible in every picture and have turned into that person that only wears black. It's not that fun, but at least I like black.....

Anyway, I mentioned the new apartment thing, no? YES! I'm finally a grown up, Mom! And now that I've finally taken that plunge (damn you Baptist and home-school heritage!) I'm wondering how in the world I didn't have my own place years earlier. I get to walk around naked! But remember that note before about me turning into a fat ass. (weep).